Friday 30 March 2012

Vogue - The Assignment

"Wow, Yvonne! Your magazine cover is absolutely fascinating!"
No, I absolutely don't think so :'|

Here's my assignment,


I think only designers will notice what's wrong in this cover. I KNOOOOW, I didn't add the word MALAYSIA inside the O, no "®" beside the VOGUE, no "3/2012" issued, no "East M'sia RM32 West M'sia RM36.50", the colour was a mistake, etc etc etc. Ugh, I wonder what's right in this cover.

Say something, please :'(

My class was assigned to create a magazine cover with only Adobe Illustrator. Any magazine - Fashion, Gameinformer, Times, anything. And on that day, we must decide on which magazine cover we're gonna do. So I decided to give it a go for fashion magazine. I love fashion, but that wasn't my major reason. It was because the industry of fashion magazine is incredibly wide thus I would have lotsa reference and easily get inspiration. Moreover, I read Women's Weekly and CLEO almot every month, so yeah.

Here's the pictures I used to create that creepy face, 
(that's what my sister said -___-")
Twiggy - the base layer.

Twiggy, again - The left eye.

Marilyn Monroe - The lips with mole.

Searched by "Woman With Diamond Earrings" - I love her hair with the earrings.

Audrey Hepburn - The right eye.

Concept: Retro
Font Type: Time News Romans & Myriad Pro
P.S. "VOGUE" was a traced effect, for the sake of the "U" and "E" are together.

I shouldn't have make any of those silly mistakes, not until my NEW laptop shut down itself (wow what a miracle) then I was like, WALAO YEH DAILOU I DIDN'T SAVE ANYTHING YET WEI, MY VOGUE MY HIGHLIGHTS!!! *Eyes look deep into my watch* Sheez, two and a half hours left, no time to think more, no time to trace more, phuat mam mai guanna dooooo?? D': D':


"Um, Mr. Lecturer, do I have a second chance to change something there?"

Songs that I'm listening now,
Katy Perry - Part Of Me
DJ Earworm - Blame It On The Pop (2009 Mashup)

Overall, everything was such a mess.