Wednesday 28 March 2012

A Tearful One

Gosh, I cried again.

Champ (2011) - A film directed by Lee Hwan-kyung, starring by Chae Tae-hyun, performed himself in the movie as a former horse jockey who is soon to be blind after a self-caused car accident which also caused the death of his wife. Despite the tragedy, he never give up on his dream - a number one horse race rider. But how? Well, his little daughter will leads him the way.

See, another blind one with another car accident. AHH, WHY LAH WHY D:

"Ahjusshi, I beg you, I beg you to save my father...I beg you..."
(This is the part where I started crying. TAT)

Meet Kim Soo-jung :) You know what, THIS LITTLE GIRL REALLY CAN ACT MANN. Her acting was so fishcakes real as if what's happening on her is now happening on you, you can feel her every conditions in the movie. She smiled real, she laughed real, she cried real. A very talented girl. If you ask me which movie character speaks to you, well I would have said this little girl. I don't know why, somehow she reminded me a lot of myself as a little girl in the past, maybe because I was fearless like her too. (cheh)

"Life is, you never give up." - Chae Tae-hyun as Lee Seung-ho

At last, it was a happily-ever-after movie :')

Drinking water for restoration,

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