Sunday 18 March 2012

Hello World! :D

This is technically, fourth blog (or maybe fifth, I can't count) I ever made then. Dumped the rest already :B

And why I'm still here blogging? Look, it's kinda embarrassing to share this but, sometimes I do feel a little bit lonesome inside y'know. I mean c'mon, I'm an outdoor people, a girl who walks under hot sun with no sunblock and no complaints, well that's me! ;)

Highschool's over and so did National Service. Most of my friends already enrolled universities and colleges, following their dreams. I have dreams too! Dreams that less dreamed by many people. *Cough*Cough* Truth is, I dreamed of becoming a successful person in a contributing way - don't laugh. Not necessarily a wealthy or a famous person, just simply a person who is able to brings hope to the people. Sounds familiar but, no no I'm not becoming a nun, a pope or even a monk. It's hard to explain. I'll blog about that one later on, because it would be kinda exhausting for you to read too much in once, kan kan? :D

And because I'm working now, my dad is my boss. It's a family business here y'see. So my daily routine isn't as wonderful as my other friends' - hangout after college, sleep in the library, yamcha at nine after, especially my boss is a buaya. Ugh, let's share about this later on, I'm getting envious now and that's normal, all's well will ends well after all.

And that's why I'm disappearing in their sights, because I was busy, but not for long, it was for my adaptation in my current position. Sorry honeys, I'm not dumping or ditching y'all, I know you always miss me (not I perasan okay, you said that everytime) but we still can gamching gamching right here. Love? :')


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