Monday 26 March 2012

Dear Tutor,

 This is for you, you buttholes.
I mentioned myself that I want to finish the whole license thing within two months because I was in a rush, but you never make any arrangement with me at all, or maybe you don't have one. I made calls and texted you but you always said you're busy and let's postpone it. Postpone like what? Practice my driving once in a month? Dude, you're wasting my time! Because of such long and inconsistent practices, I failed my test, TWICE. So I add on two extra hours for more practices, then you just left me with the car alone self-practicing. Oh thank God there's one kind uncle willing to teach me parking so at least I knew where was my mistake. Well that reminds me of one more thing, eight out of ten of your students need to re-take the test again and again - I'm one of the eight. Whereas, the kind uncle who taught me parking without paying him a dollar, his students just passed the test on the first round! I mean, what the hell is wrong with you, seriously? If you don't like your job, quit now.

I should have smashed your car mann when I'm driving it,

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