Monday 26 March 2012

Getting A Driving License

Seriously, if I had to choose between taking SPM and P license test, I would choose SPM.

Because I'm not sure if my health condition can handle all the heartbeating, the breathsucking, and the kancheong sensation when I get into any of those Kancils. At least, I can still tembak the answers and agak-agak about how-bad-I-can-be in my SPM results. But this, this fishcakes P license test, is an one-time shot. It's either you can do it or you can't - of course you can re-take it, you just have to pay extra hundred bucks, and that's my pain. -___-"

I've passed my on-the-road test on the first go. And how to easily pass the on-the-road test on the first go? Well, you know, I know. *kening*kening* >:) - It's sort of a culture already so, don't feel guilty.

It's shameful to say that today is practically my third time taking the test, ugh. What failed me twice was the parking one, I was in serious lack of practices (not an excuse, indeed a reason) and there it goes, my car hit the white box - FAILED D': So this time, like finally I puas hati to add on extra two-hours driving practice as a skills refreshment. 

Here I am again, the JPJ station at Asia Jaya :)

What's left are these three things - 
Stop and cross the slope hill, right-hand-side pharking, and three-pointer. 

Matter of factually, I was supposedly got my three-pointer failed because my engine died once, but thankfully the officers was distracted and didn't heard me starting the engine again so I sempat to drive off of that box. Wait, I wasn't driving off of the box, I was literally BOUNCING off of the box. The clutch is not working anymore so I can't stop the car, at the end I must pull up the emergency handbreak from crashing myself into the wall. The car is now officially announced "cacat". Can't believe I can passed my P license with that traumatic car. -___-" (No, I didn't killed the clutch!)

Yesh, you didn't get that wrong, I PASSED THE FRIGGIN' P LICENSE YAW! :D

What a wonderful world. Thank you, Jesus.

Songs that I'm listening now,
Ed Sheeran - The A Team
Lash - Love Came Down
Jayesslee - I Won't Give Up

Still screaming loud under pillows,

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