Monday 26 March 2012

오직 그대만, Only You

Only You (2011) - A film directed by Song Il-gon, starring So Ji-sub and Han Hyo-joo. A fatal romance between an ex-boxer and a blind telemarketer girl. The couple met each other coincidentally but what they didn't know is, they met each other before. Which explained the death of the girl's parents and her unfortunate blindness. The young man knows about the truth first, thus he felt strongly guilty of what he did to the girl's fate. One day, the girl was blacked out and knocked her head on the floor, it's about her eyes. Doctor said she needs to undergo a surgery soonest possible. But what's left are the empty pockets - they don't have the money. Thinking this as a payback, the ex-boxer is returned again, sacrificed and risked his life on an illegal boxing battlefield in Thailand. But he would never know that all these are actually a set up by his junior, who's now his murderer. Will he stayed in one piece and come home? Or will the girl forever never know how he looks?  

This movie is about love, fate, sacrifice, forgiveness, and karma.

Gosh, I think I cried too much already, but no shoulders to keep my tears, dayumn I need a boyfriend now :| Forgive me, I'm such a heavy cryer, especially comes to this kind of movies. BUT I LOVE WATCHING SAD ROMANCE HOR D': 

The plots of Korean movies are the most predictable one, but it still can make a tough guy cries like a woman. It's either one of the couple died, or something something lah would happens. It's always like that.

You cried because you still living in the past and this is when you're self-pitying. - Remember me saying this ;)

Songs that I'm listening now,
316 - All About You

*Sniffs, sniffs

P.S. Oh about that boyfriend part, I was kidding so ha, don't take it seriously :)

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