Monday 19 March 2012

Doodle #001 - Jimo

I love doodling, and those were the days I was always doodling, so I miss it very much. I used to called it imaginary story which floats on paper but stay playfully beneath the ink. Oh gosh, crap knows what I'm saying here, y'know what, let's just fuggedaboutit! :D


Meet Jimo :)

Jimo, it stayed with me no matter thick or thin, fat or slim *sigh*. I often stayed home alone ever since I was a child because my all-adults family were working hard outside to make a better life for us - and I fully understand of why they had no time to play masak-masak with me at the past, oh I don't care I love 'em madly :)

Then Jimo came. It accompanied me in most of the hard times. And I'm not siao okay, I know exactly what I'm saying. Jimo is an unique feeling that comes back and forth in every each one of us, and every each one of us owns a Jimo. It only comes when you need it the most, you'll hide it unseen when you found a new buddy, then Jimo will always standby for you.

And because I have one Jimo, I feel empty no more. At least I appreciate its existance.

For those who doesn't know me well and yet, I'm NOT a physcho cookies or an emo mumbo bumbo, but yes I always talk craps which people find it hard to understand most of my theories, TEEHEE! ;D

P.S. Jimo (寂寞) - lonesome in Mandarine Chinese.

Do the doodles,

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