Friday 30 March 2012

Last Touch, at Starbucks.

I woke up late today, it was 11:30AM sharp.
No alarms. No one calls.

I'm such a walking zombie nowadays, stayed up late and woke up early to work. This is what happened when you work in the dawn and have school in the dusk. When I'm lack of sleeping hours, I'll start talking craps, so you better get ready for what's coming NGEHEHEHE. No, wait, I always talk craps. Whatever.

I know you'll be thinking, "Yvonne said she's busy and she's no sleep and all that, then why she's still blogging here?" - Kids, I love blogging, it's just like cigarettes, you'll smoke at least one or two before you go to sleep. Passion y'know it's passion, simple as that :)

After the shower, I on my laptop to give a final touch-up for my assignment, today is the submission day already. See, I'm always that last minute one. Then, I started shuffling surfing. SERVER NOT FOUND. W-what the hell is going on here? I mean, hello I paid the bills liao and that's what you're giving me? D:< 

I'm getting crazy already, seriously :|

It must be the modem. So I technically turned on and off of the modem. Screwed it, it's not working at all with those little yellow lights blink-blink-blink there -____-"

Okay, I must come out with a solution now. Let's go to Starbucks, oh yes Starbucks! It's about a couple of miles away from my house so JOM! :D

I think it supposed to be a love shape, but somehow it looked more like an onion to me -_____-"

I noticed the barista there are always hot-looking and speak good English, I love it when they asked me what's your name (because they need to mark it down on the cups so the customers won't get confuse when redeeming their orders) then I answered "Yvonne". Then he said "Y-V-O-N-N-E right? Nice name. *chuckles*" WUUAAAHHHH! :D :D

Most of the barista spelled my name in E-V-O-N, pfft.

A Starbucker,

P.S. Oh no, oh my gosh, that barista is looking over here now. AHH! HE SMILED AT ME! Wait, is he really smiling at me? *looking back and no one's behind* Okay boy, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. >:)

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