Wednesday 28 March 2012

The K Moves

I don't remember since when I started watching Korean movies, though I seldom watch Korean dramas, malas to catch every single episode PER WEEK - unless there's a hot actor in the drama 8D. I always lepak at or QQLive to watch the latest Hollywood movies, and yet there's nothing interesting from the Hollywood recently so tada, there goes the Korean films rolling. 

One thing I like about Korean films is that they always have the philosophy on life and how-to-love sort of theory. The love stories are very warm and lovely especially after watching too much of mega spaceships floating, superman flying, and you-naked-I-naked-and-woohoo bed scenes, yeah :| And the love stories are not necessarily romance, it could be families or friendships too :)

One thing I don't like about Korean films is that, someone must DIE. Don't care lah who would it be, sidekick or the main role, just anyone. But the sad truth is, the best part of the movie is when somebody died -___-".

I became noisy when I'm watching Korean movies with my family's around. I will go like, " lah~...the guy died liao then now the girl is crying like a mad cow, why laidet lah whuaay~...wuuuhuuu~...(TдT.)"

I remembered my dad answered me like this, "Don't worry, you will see him in the concert anyway, he's coming to KL soon." 



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