Saturday 24 March 2012

One In The Morning

It's been days after my last post.

It's one in the morning now, but yet I'm not sleeping.

See, even though I am fully aware that I must do my assignments now or never but I'm still here like, literally stucked here - Facebook & Youtube, number one killers seriously. OH WELL, I must MUST find some snacks to munch on now to woohoo myself a little bit inside, or I'll easily get Garfield's eyes y'know. And there it goes...

My Woohoo! :D

Where was I again? *Burps.
OHH the assignments. Yeah I've been working REAL hard on this, in my mind. A couple of days ago I just kept thinking about how should I design a high-fashioned magazine, how should I put all these things together and look visually good, how should should should I... But by thinking of such many how-should-I doesn't make me move on at all! So I started sketching.

Just a simple sketch of what's on my mind now, but I know I'll always change my mind and adjust something there in the progress. I mean, everyone does that before kan, it's just like you chose answer A in your fifth grade math question then you'll started thinking oh-maybe-it's-anwer-B, then B-ingo! You're officially loosing one mark in that exam which dramatically dragged you down from grade B to C. 

Sorry lah if I talked too much, because I've been there y'see, but different grades, *cough* from E to *cough* F actually :| I remembered grandpa once said that doing exams are just like playing gambles, and exams hall is your casino. Why, grandpa?

"You see, once you get into that hall, it's game on. You got you papers on desk, you know how to play the games but you got confused about the rules, then you screwed up. You know where you stand after your teacher collects your point. You get what I'm shaying here, kiddo?"

B-but grandpa, your advice is no longer working because I'm doing an assignment AHH D': And oh about uploading my sketched ideas? Don't worry about my coursemates, we have no chemistry at all and most of us barely even known each other seriously - we don't add each other on Facebook. They're all  working adults and I'm the youngest among them. I'm working too, and I'm attending night school to learn designs. Well, it would be amazing if they could hijack my ideas here and frankly, it could also proves that my ideas are great 'til they would want to hijack it! :D

I blog for the fun of it, not for the sake of building fame. Plus, this place is where I will always spill the beans ;) Okay okay, back to my assignments now. 

Songs that hype me up in this hour,
Urban Zakapa - Cafe Latte
Clover - One Wave
316 - Cappuccino


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