Sunday 25 March 2012

Doodle #002 - Center-Parting Hairdo

Let the doodles speak first :)

Oh it didn't?
Y'know, sometimes when you walked in the mall and you saw some beautiful people with their hair starts from the middle, it really dazzled me and I don't know why. I'M NOT A LESBIAN OKAY. Girls always see see look look after other girls too, like, "Oh my gosh, did you saw her heels?" "Wow, that girl's makeup is so fake." "I bet that dress was from Padini because I saw that one in the store yesterday." ...

And don't tell me you never did. -____-"

 Aww... don't you think her hair is so gorgeous? 
(I don't understand why models always look that pissed on the runway)

Just because I personally think that hair with center-parting look much more elegant and beautiful so I went home and tried. GOSH EPIC FAILED MANN. The other side of my hair kept bouncing back even though I combed with cow strengths but because I'm all the while side-parting, so it just won't stayed nicely. Fun trying because I overlaughed at myself in the mirror, I just can't stand how retarded I look in that center-parting hair! Here's the pictures, (don't laugh okay)

 I just can't smile properly in that condition -___-"

Instant adaptation checked ;)

*Sigh, I think I'll stick back to my side-parting. C'mon guys, let's give it a try together! I've tried already, and now tag-you're-it! :D

Still laughing,

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