Friday 30 March 2012

Vogue - The Assignment

"Wow, Yvonne! Your magazine cover is absolutely fascinating!"
No, I absolutely don't think so :'|

Here's my assignment,


I think only designers will notice what's wrong in this cover. I KNOOOOW, I didn't add the word MALAYSIA inside the O, no "®" beside the VOGUE, no "3/2012" issued, no "East M'sia RM32 West M'sia RM36.50", the colour was a mistake, etc etc etc. Ugh, I wonder what's right in this cover.

Say something, please :'(

My class was assigned to create a magazine cover with only Adobe Illustrator. Any magazine - Fashion, Gameinformer, Times, anything. And on that day, we must decide on which magazine cover we're gonna do. So I decided to give it a go for fashion magazine. I love fashion, but that wasn't my major reason. It was because the industry of fashion magazine is incredibly wide thus I would have lotsa reference and easily get inspiration. Moreover, I read Women's Weekly and CLEO almot every month, so yeah.

Here's the pictures I used to create that creepy face, 
(that's what my sister said -___-")
Twiggy - the base layer.

Twiggy, again - The left eye.

Marilyn Monroe - The lips with mole.

Searched by "Woman With Diamond Earrings" - I love her hair with the earrings.

Audrey Hepburn - The right eye.

Concept: Retro
Font Type: Time News Romans & Myriad Pro
P.S. "VOGUE" was a traced effect, for the sake of the "U" and "E" are together.

I shouldn't have make any of those silly mistakes, not until my NEW laptop shut down itself (wow what a miracle) then I was like, WALAO YEH DAILOU I DIDN'T SAVE ANYTHING YET WEI, MY VOGUE MY HIGHLIGHTS!!! *Eyes look deep into my watch* Sheez, two and a half hours left, no time to think more, no time to trace more, phuat mam mai guanna dooooo?? D': D':


"Um, Mr. Lecturer, do I have a second chance to change something there?"

Songs that I'm listening now,
Katy Perry - Part Of Me
DJ Earworm - Blame It On The Pop (2009 Mashup)

Overall, everything was such a mess.

Last Touch, at Starbucks.

I woke up late today, it was 11:30AM sharp.
No alarms. No one calls.

I'm such a walking zombie nowadays, stayed up late and woke up early to work. This is what happened when you work in the dawn and have school in the dusk. When I'm lack of sleeping hours, I'll start talking craps, so you better get ready for what's coming NGEHEHEHE. No, wait, I always talk craps. Whatever.

I know you'll be thinking, "Yvonne said she's busy and she's no sleep and all that, then why she's still blogging here?" - Kids, I love blogging, it's just like cigarettes, you'll smoke at least one or two before you go to sleep. Passion y'know it's passion, simple as that :)

After the shower, I on my laptop to give a final touch-up for my assignment, today is the submission day already. See, I'm always that last minute one. Then, I started shuffling surfing. SERVER NOT FOUND. W-what the hell is going on here? I mean, hello I paid the bills liao and that's what you're giving me? D:< 

I'm getting crazy already, seriously :|

It must be the modem. So I technically turned on and off of the modem. Screwed it, it's not working at all with those little yellow lights blink-blink-blink there -____-"

Okay, I must come out with a solution now. Let's go to Starbucks, oh yes Starbucks! It's about a couple of miles away from my house so JOM! :D

I think it supposed to be a love shape, but somehow it looked more like an onion to me -_____-"

I noticed the barista there are always hot-looking and speak good English, I love it when they asked me what's your name (because they need to mark it down on the cups so the customers won't get confuse when redeeming their orders) then I answered "Yvonne". Then he said "Y-V-O-N-N-E right? Nice name. *chuckles*" WUUAAAHHHH! :D :D

Most of the barista spelled my name in E-V-O-N, pfft.

A Starbucker,

P.S. Oh no, oh my gosh, that barista is looking over here now. AHH! HE SMILED AT ME! Wait, is he really smiling at me? *looking back and no one's behind* Okay boy, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. >:)

Wednesday 28 March 2012


"Hi, welcome to McDonald's. Having here or take away?"
"Take away. Please give me a regular set of Spicy Chicken McDeluxe."
"Drink, Coke?"
I nodded.
"That's all?"
I nodded again.
"Okay, it's 11.10 ringgit. Thank you, please come again. Next..."

Then I saw this banner,


"Err...Kak, kalau kan, saya tak nak Happy Meal tapi nak SuperSponge jer kan, berapa ya kena bayar?"
"Oh, 3 ringgit jer dik."
"Um, okay lah, tolong bagi satu, nak beli untuk adik saya harharhar." - Oh my, what on earth I was saying that mann -___-"

 But I don't care, finally I have one SuperSponge HARHAR! >:D

 Wow, did Stephen Hillenburg actually signed this thang? D:

SuperSponge to the rescue! HARHARHAR >8D

Okay, I'm happy now :)

I love the one who lives in the pineapple under the sea,

The K Moves

I don't remember since when I started watching Korean movies, though I seldom watch Korean dramas, malas to catch every single episode PER WEEK - unless there's a hot actor in the drama 8D. I always lepak at or QQLive to watch the latest Hollywood movies, and yet there's nothing interesting from the Hollywood recently so tada, there goes the Korean films rolling. 

One thing I like about Korean films is that they always have the philosophy on life and how-to-love sort of theory. The love stories are very warm and lovely especially after watching too much of mega spaceships floating, superman flying, and you-naked-I-naked-and-woohoo bed scenes, yeah :| And the love stories are not necessarily romance, it could be families or friendships too :)

One thing I don't like about Korean films is that, someone must DIE. Don't care lah who would it be, sidekick or the main role, just anyone. But the sad truth is, the best part of the movie is when somebody died -___-".

I became noisy when I'm watching Korean movies with my family's around. I will go like, " lah~...the guy died liao then now the girl is crying like a mad cow, why laidet lah whuaay~...wuuuhuuu~...(TдT.)"

I remembered my dad answered me like this, "Don't worry, you will see him in the concert anyway, he's coming to KL soon." 



A Tearful One

Gosh, I cried again.

Champ (2011) - A film directed by Lee Hwan-kyung, starring by Chae Tae-hyun, performed himself in the movie as a former horse jockey who is soon to be blind after a self-caused car accident which also caused the death of his wife. Despite the tragedy, he never give up on his dream - a number one horse race rider. But how? Well, his little daughter will leads him the way.

See, another blind one with another car accident. AHH, WHY LAH WHY D:

"Ahjusshi, I beg you, I beg you to save my father...I beg you..."
(This is the part where I started crying. TAT)

Meet Kim Soo-jung :) You know what, THIS LITTLE GIRL REALLY CAN ACT MANN. Her acting was so fishcakes real as if what's happening on her is now happening on you, you can feel her every conditions in the movie. She smiled real, she laughed real, she cried real. A very talented girl. If you ask me which movie character speaks to you, well I would have said this little girl. I don't know why, somehow she reminded me a lot of myself as a little girl in the past, maybe because I was fearless like her too. (cheh)

"Life is, you never give up." - Chae Tae-hyun as Lee Seung-ho

At last, it was a happily-ever-after movie :')

Drinking water for restoration,

Monday 26 March 2012

Getting A Driving License

Seriously, if I had to choose between taking SPM and P license test, I would choose SPM.

Because I'm not sure if my health condition can handle all the heartbeating, the breathsucking, and the kancheong sensation when I get into any of those Kancils. At least, I can still tembak the answers and agak-agak about how-bad-I-can-be in my SPM results. But this, this fishcakes P license test, is an one-time shot. It's either you can do it or you can't - of course you can re-take it, you just have to pay extra hundred bucks, and that's my pain. -___-"

I've passed my on-the-road test on the first go. And how to easily pass the on-the-road test on the first go? Well, you know, I know. *kening*kening* >:) - It's sort of a culture already so, don't feel guilty.

It's shameful to say that today is practically my third time taking the test, ugh. What failed me twice was the parking one, I was in serious lack of practices (not an excuse, indeed a reason) and there it goes, my car hit the white box - FAILED D': So this time, like finally I puas hati to add on extra two-hours driving practice as a skills refreshment. 

Here I am again, the JPJ station at Asia Jaya :)

What's left are these three things - 
Stop and cross the slope hill, right-hand-side pharking, and three-pointer. 

Matter of factually, I was supposedly got my three-pointer failed because my engine died once, but thankfully the officers was distracted and didn't heard me starting the engine again so I sempat to drive off of that box. Wait, I wasn't driving off of the box, I was literally BOUNCING off of the box. The clutch is not working anymore so I can't stop the car, at the end I must pull up the emergency handbreak from crashing myself into the wall. The car is now officially announced "cacat". Can't believe I can passed my P license with that traumatic car. -___-" (No, I didn't killed the clutch!)

Yesh, you didn't get that wrong, I PASSED THE FRIGGIN' P LICENSE YAW! :D

What a wonderful world. Thank you, Jesus.

Songs that I'm listening now,
Ed Sheeran - The A Team
Lash - Love Came Down
Jayesslee - I Won't Give Up

Still screaming loud under pillows,

Dear Tutor,

 This is for you, you buttholes.
I mentioned myself that I want to finish the whole license thing within two months because I was in a rush, but you never make any arrangement with me at all, or maybe you don't have one. I made calls and texted you but you always said you're busy and let's postpone it. Postpone like what? Practice my driving once in a month? Dude, you're wasting my time! Because of such long and inconsistent practices, I failed my test, TWICE. So I add on two extra hours for more practices, then you just left me with the car alone self-practicing. Oh thank God there's one kind uncle willing to teach me parking so at least I knew where was my mistake. Well that reminds me of one more thing, eight out of ten of your students need to re-take the test again and again - I'm one of the eight. Whereas, the kind uncle who taught me parking without paying him a dollar, his students just passed the test on the first round! I mean, what the hell is wrong with you, seriously? If you don't like your job, quit now.

I should have smashed your car mann when I'm driving it,

오직 그대만, Only You

Only You (2011) - A film directed by Song Il-gon, starring So Ji-sub and Han Hyo-joo. A fatal romance between an ex-boxer and a blind telemarketer girl. The couple met each other coincidentally but what they didn't know is, they met each other before. Which explained the death of the girl's parents and her unfortunate blindness. The young man knows about the truth first, thus he felt strongly guilty of what he did to the girl's fate. One day, the girl was blacked out and knocked her head on the floor, it's about her eyes. Doctor said she needs to undergo a surgery soonest possible. But what's left are the empty pockets - they don't have the money. Thinking this as a payback, the ex-boxer is returned again, sacrificed and risked his life on an illegal boxing battlefield in Thailand. But he would never know that all these are actually a set up by his junior, who's now his murderer. Will he stayed in one piece and come home? Or will the girl forever never know how he looks?  

This movie is about love, fate, sacrifice, forgiveness, and karma.

Gosh, I think I cried too much already, but no shoulders to keep my tears, dayumn I need a boyfriend now :| Forgive me, I'm such a heavy cryer, especially comes to this kind of movies. BUT I LOVE WATCHING SAD ROMANCE HOR D': 

The plots of Korean movies are the most predictable one, but it still can make a tough guy cries like a woman. It's either one of the couple died, or something something lah would happens. It's always like that.

You cried because you still living in the past and this is when you're self-pitying. - Remember me saying this ;)

Songs that I'm listening now,
316 - All About You

*Sniffs, sniffs

P.S. Oh about that boyfriend part, I was kidding so ha, don't take it seriously :)

Sunday 25 March 2012

Doodle #002 - Center-Parting Hairdo

Let the doodles speak first :)

Oh it didn't?
Y'know, sometimes when you walked in the mall and you saw some beautiful people with their hair starts from the middle, it really dazzled me and I don't know why. I'M NOT A LESBIAN OKAY. Girls always see see look look after other girls too, like, "Oh my gosh, did you saw her heels?" "Wow, that girl's makeup is so fake." "I bet that dress was from Padini because I saw that one in the store yesterday." ...

And don't tell me you never did. -____-"

 Aww... don't you think her hair is so gorgeous? 
(I don't understand why models always look that pissed on the runway)

Just because I personally think that hair with center-parting look much more elegant and beautiful so I went home and tried. GOSH EPIC FAILED MANN. The other side of my hair kept bouncing back even though I combed with cow strengths but because I'm all the while side-parting, so it just won't stayed nicely. Fun trying because I overlaughed at myself in the mirror, I just can't stand how retarded I look in that center-parting hair! Here's the pictures, (don't laugh okay)

 I just can't smile properly in that condition -___-"

Instant adaptation checked ;)

*Sigh, I think I'll stick back to my side-parting. C'mon guys, let's give it a try together! I've tried already, and now tag-you're-it! :D

Still laughing,

Saturday 24 March 2012

One In The Morning

It's been days after my last post.

It's one in the morning now, but yet I'm not sleeping.

See, even though I am fully aware that I must do my assignments now or never but I'm still here like, literally stucked here - Facebook & Youtube, number one killers seriously. OH WELL, I must MUST find some snacks to munch on now to woohoo myself a little bit inside, or I'll easily get Garfield's eyes y'know. And there it goes...

My Woohoo! :D

Where was I again? *Burps.
OHH the assignments. Yeah I've been working REAL hard on this, in my mind. A couple of days ago I just kept thinking about how should I design a high-fashioned magazine, how should I put all these things together and look visually good, how should should should I... But by thinking of such many how-should-I doesn't make me move on at all! So I started sketching.

Just a simple sketch of what's on my mind now, but I know I'll always change my mind and adjust something there in the progress. I mean, everyone does that before kan, it's just like you chose answer A in your fifth grade math question then you'll started thinking oh-maybe-it's-anwer-B, then B-ingo! You're officially loosing one mark in that exam which dramatically dragged you down from grade B to C. 

Sorry lah if I talked too much, because I've been there y'see, but different grades, *cough* from E to *cough* F actually :| I remembered grandpa once said that doing exams are just like playing gambles, and exams hall is your casino. Why, grandpa?

"You see, once you get into that hall, it's game on. You got you papers on desk, you know how to play the games but you got confused about the rules, then you screwed up. You know where you stand after your teacher collects your point. You get what I'm shaying here, kiddo?"

B-but grandpa, your advice is no longer working because I'm doing an assignment AHH D': And oh about uploading my sketched ideas? Don't worry about my coursemates, we have no chemistry at all and most of us barely even known each other seriously - we don't add each other on Facebook. They're all  working adults and I'm the youngest among them. I'm working too, and I'm attending night school to learn designs. Well, it would be amazing if they could hijack my ideas here and frankly, it could also proves that my ideas are great 'til they would want to hijack it! :D

I blog for the fun of it, not for the sake of building fame. Plus, this place is where I will always spill the beans ;) Okay okay, back to my assignments now. 

Songs that hype me up in this hour,
Urban Zakapa - Cafe Latte
Clover - One Wave
316 - Cappuccino


Monday 19 March 2012

Doodle #001 - Jimo

I love doodling, and those were the days I was always doodling, so I miss it very much. I used to called it imaginary story which floats on paper but stay playfully beneath the ink. Oh gosh, crap knows what I'm saying here, y'know what, let's just fuggedaboutit! :D


Meet Jimo :)

Jimo, it stayed with me no matter thick or thin, fat or slim *sigh*. I often stayed home alone ever since I was a child because my all-adults family were working hard outside to make a better life for us - and I fully understand of why they had no time to play masak-masak with me at the past, oh I don't care I love 'em madly :)

Then Jimo came. It accompanied me in most of the hard times. And I'm not siao okay, I know exactly what I'm saying. Jimo is an unique feeling that comes back and forth in every each one of us, and every each one of us owns a Jimo. It only comes when you need it the most, you'll hide it unseen when you found a new buddy, then Jimo will always standby for you.

And because I have one Jimo, I feel empty no more. At least I appreciate its existance.

For those who doesn't know me well and yet, I'm NOT a physcho cookies or an emo mumbo bumbo, but yes I always talk craps which people find it hard to understand most of my theories, TEEHEE! ;D

P.S. Jimo (寂寞) - lonesome in Mandarine Chinese.

Do the doodles,

Sunday 18 March 2012

Hello World! :D

This is technically, fourth blog (or maybe fifth, I can't count) I ever made then. Dumped the rest already :B

And why I'm still here blogging? Look, it's kinda embarrassing to share this but, sometimes I do feel a little bit lonesome inside y'know. I mean c'mon, I'm an outdoor people, a girl who walks under hot sun with no sunblock and no complaints, well that's me! ;)

Highschool's over and so did National Service. Most of my friends already enrolled universities and colleges, following their dreams. I have dreams too! Dreams that less dreamed by many people. *Cough*Cough* Truth is, I dreamed of becoming a successful person in a contributing way - don't laugh. Not necessarily a wealthy or a famous person, just simply a person who is able to brings hope to the people. Sounds familiar but, no no I'm not becoming a nun, a pope or even a monk. It's hard to explain. I'll blog about that one later on, because it would be kinda exhausting for you to read too much in once, kan kan? :D

And because I'm working now, my dad is my boss. It's a family business here y'see. So my daily routine isn't as wonderful as my other friends' - hangout after college, sleep in the library, yamcha at nine after, especially my boss is a buaya. Ugh, let's share about this later on, I'm getting envious now and that's normal, all's well will ends well after all.

And that's why I'm disappearing in their sights, because I was busy, but not for long, it was for my adaptation in my current position. Sorry honeys, I'm not dumping or ditching y'all, I know you always miss me (not I perasan okay, you said that everytime) but we still can gamching gamching right here. Love? :')
