Wednesday 5 September 2012

Page On! ♡ \(≧▿≦)/ ♡

Good afternoon!

Even though there's nothing on Ah Bon's Facebook page yet, but at least it is published! Well, frankly, I'm expecting to get 30 Likes in one month, HAIH, got 10 Likes also I'm happy already (≐ _ ≐)

Sometimes I feel so stupid because I'm sort of talking to myself here
and there when nobody cares about it.

Happy Go Lucky,

You Don't Have to Sleep to Dream

One day, one Chinese boy named as Kingkong called me up on the phone and asked me to make him a favour by drawing a four-box comic as a love confession to his soon-to-be girlfriend. Deal. So here comes the thinking chair, sketch pad and a pen. Then pen dancing with the lines, yada yada yada. Done. Scan the piece and upload it on the wall. The boy is then successfully confessed to his no-more-soon-to-be girlfriend and say million of thanks to my page, and mission accomplished. 

Yeah, the story was a bullshit -___-"

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
 - Sir Walt Disney (1901 - 1966)

YESH SHIR, LETCH DO IT! ~\(≌▿≅)/~ ❤ ❤ ❤
I'm having a life that people around me, LOVE to critic what I'm doing. We all have human rights, and one of the basic is that we have rights to speak out our personal opinions. And of course you have your right to talk me back too. OH LORD WHAT AM I CRAPPIN' HERE ___"

So my personal opinion is, go ahead and underestimate me and laugh at me saying it's a waste of time, cause that's what you good at. I don't care. Most importantly, I am not a loser, never once. As I said, I'm not doing it for raising self-fame, it's just my hobby you piece of shit!. (¯︶¯)

Last year, I uploaded Ah Bon's Doodles on my wall, to check out if the response was good or otherwise. Well, it turned out more than I expected! I got 23 Likes in the end! Because *cough* I'm not a celebrity on Facebook, so I expected to get 5 Likes as the highest rate. Sincerely by me, THANK YOU FOR LIKING THIS DOODLE! THANK YOU OH THANK YOU OH THANK YOU!

So motivated UNTILLL I'm packed with my job's agendas. (╯╰) Things got slower in so many ways and to most of you, I was M.I.A. for how long ah? Two menstruation cycles, I think, wow that's quite long. 

So today, I had an idea to finally set a page to help those who don't have the guts to spread their message from the bottle of the heart inside. Not necessarily a love relationship, to heal or to break, it can be also a Dear Father, Dear Teacher, or Dear Daughter and all the dear dear dear. AND IT'S FOR FUREEE! :D :D walao yeh where to find you tell me where to finddd...

Best thing is my buddies are so supportive to this idea YEEHEE! AND WUALAH! I'VE CREATED A PAGE! AH BON! YOU SEE YOU SEE! A PAGEEE! (.✦▿✦)

GOSH, p3jlsjd;93dmskshkdnfas. Say no more, my feelings are like,

"I just wanna thanks to my dad, my mom, my auntie, my uncle, my sister, my brother, my younger sister, my younger brother, my maid..."

What I just did wasn't even close to consider as a big thing. But at least it was a start to do some good deeds to people.

Dare to dream, dare to go for it.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Loves from Taiwan ❤


Yawn, yawn, and yawn. Yay it's Saturday, and I have no plans. Sigh. NO I'M NOT GONNA WATSE MY SATURDAY LIKE THIS! D:>

Sit up from my bed, blur-faced and saliva-based mouth, phone rang.

"Hello? Yvonne ah, oih you kat mana now? Wanna come Empire Gallery or not?"
"When you say 'come' it means y'all are already there. NEVER AJOK! D':"
"Um okay, sorry. Have you gotten your breakfast yet?"
*AWKWARD SILENCES* Because I'm shy to say that I JUST WOKE UP.
"Because you'll get FREE food here..."

Kambing. Kambing. I said I'm kambing. Good, REACHED! >:D


BREAKFAAAST. *Cough* Um, where's my friends ngeh?

Meet my doodler, Jocelyn ❤. Who never sees fruits in her last decade.

About my breakfast, I was joking. Of course it'll be very no-good if I omnomnom a lot but not buying anything and that's nasty. Paiseh mah~  Well, I did tried some of the fruits there, AND YES, FOR THIS I WASN'T JOKING, IT DOES TATSE GOOD. At the end, I bought some fruits to make my salad tonight ;)
Here's some details,

What: Taiwan Miaoli Fresh Produce Press Conference '12
When: 25th of August, Saturday at 1100AM
Where: Empire Shopping Gallery
Kudos to: Euro-Atlantic Sdn Bhd

Euro-Atlantic, since 2001, is a leading importer and distributor of speciaty of fruits, vegetables and marine based produce in Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley. It has raised the bar in the Malaysian fresh produce import business with their continuous search for new and emerging food sources and heavy investments in state-of-the-art cold rooms and equipment. 

For more info, please click on

The offcial website:   OR
Hit a Like button at:

On Facebook, you can easily get updated about their lastest events invitation and promotion buzzer. Everything is just a tip of finger away.

Everyone was having a blast :)

Okay, I'm not a professional blogger nor a photographer. But I really wanna share about this event as an awareness to y'all because even a three years old adik also knows that fresh fruits and vegies are good health booster. Talk no more, are you ready to boost your healthy lifestyle? :D

Loves from Malaysia,

Saturday 21 April 2012


I've lost all directions.
In fact, I've lost 'em all.

Oh please don't tell me lame jokes like "C'mon girl, lost direction? Go try listening to One Direction's songs! You might just figure it out ;) " --- I know right, Team Harry


Gosh, fishcakes EMO.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter Sunday - Chromeheart Revelation

(Please highlight the line below.)

Alarm clock rang at seven, got up earlier than I used to. Just because, I know that I will flip through the clothes one by one in the closet, for at least half an hour. IT'S A BIG DAY TODAY. Okay, lovely morning, perfect day. There goes my Easter Celebration, by watching ▼ this ▼ ...

Another down-to-the-earth production from CHCKL - CHROMEHEART REVELATION!! SPARTA!! >:D

The cast, they are super quasome.
(I stole this from the official Facebook page, whoopy sorry ≥ ~ ≤)

What's "quasome"? According to the production, all darkness happened in the fantasy world called - The Quamoros. So, Quamoros + Awesome = Quasome. I can't tell thoroughly about what's in Chromeheart because it has two episodes, I missed the first one so, yeah. Paiseh. There's vampires, beasts, warriors and etc etc. Honestly, it's useless for me to story-tell here because it's a LOOOOONG and once-upon-a-time story, they're on Youtube now & also, Facebook! :)

The story has its values. We humans get confused very easily. The distance between Dark and Bright are just one feet away. We think good is bad, and bad is good. What we didn't know is that, every each one of us has an evil desire in our souls. We have yet to conquer 'em, cause we're not strong enough inside. Another cause is they offered us the best pleasure we thought that is what we want. AND IF, we surrendered to the Dark, and swallowed by 'em, it will never be too late if you figured out that it's time to go back to Him.

Photos within photos.

My dearest CG leader, Yuan ❤

And look what I got on my car later on? HEEHEEHEE AYE EASTER EEGGA! :D

The birdy says, "Your life is beautiful. Treasure it!"

And Frank, he got this one. Smile one, if you get the message :)

Unfortunately, the egg wasn't a surprise :|


I joined the egg paintings woohaa! :D *OMNOMNOMNOM*

 Amanda merajuk, because...yeah :|

 "Picasso" - the word of the day. It means if you screwed up the base layer, just do whatever you think is artistic to the egg, masih boleh tahan kan? :B

My artwork - CHCKL previous logo, Pikachu, and Mr. & Mrs. Easter Bunny :)

Elizabeth Chua - "Follow me on Twitter now!"

Happy Easter Day, everyboday ;)

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. - John 11:25-26


The Banana Song Lyrics!

There's two things they look alike - Banana, and Potato.

What can I say, ctsants the youtuber saved us from mumbling the song. Yeah, I used to mumble the whole song. What to do, though I never think of Googling the lyrics :|

Is it just me or the Gardenia's Twiggies look so much alike the Minions?

Ba-ba-ba, ba-banana,

Camwhore is,

"If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it." - Andy Rooney

So I wasn't camwhore right? B-be-because, *GASPS!* D:

According to Wikipedia, the definition of "Camwhore" is...

A camwhore is an individual who performs sexual services on the internet with webcame softwares in exchange for money, goods, or attention. The term "camwhore" is also used to refer to individuals who post pictures or videos of themselves on the internet to gain attention.


I swear to God I have my clothes on with me everytime I take pictures of myself mann. Well, maybe we should start thinking of another term for this activity from now on - I mean the photoshooting activity which with your clothes on, not the "camwhore" one okay -___-".

Sometimes, taking pictures of yourself alone, doesn't mean you're Asian or what, you are just discovering the best side of yourself which, you don't see that side of you in the mirror. Just do it. But not too much okay, camera gets burn easily :B

Life isn't so bad if you smile to it,

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Once Upon A Time,

Hey Blog, long time no see.

I didn't know computer can talk :O
(No I didn't doodle this one.)

For the past few days, I ate well, slept well, dreamed well, shit well, yeah okay everything's fine :) And because I wasn't blogging anyway, I have so much to tell. Y'know girls are born to be a talking machine, NGEHE. 

I don't understand why, there must be something embarrassing happens in every each day of my life, SOMETHING SOMETHING LAH. I told my friends about my stories, woohoo there goes the laughing gases bursting everywhere, they laughed. GOD WHAT A NICE FRIEND I HAVE MANN.

Despite all the fishcakes everyday, my lovely CG leader Yuan once told me,
"What an interesting life you have!" 

True. True.



And oh by the way right, I am SUPER OBSESSED with this song now. 

The Banana Song by Minions of Despicable Me.
(I don't Youtube it for y'guys because I will end up replaying it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...)

Gosh, I sing it almost everyday. Uh-oh, one day I might make a cover of this song mann, with my Ukulele (only if I will reach that level of obsession).

Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-na-na, POTATO-NA-AA-AA!! :D :D

And over again,

Friday 30 March 2012

Vogue - The Assignment

"Wow, Yvonne! Your magazine cover is absolutely fascinating!"
No, I absolutely don't think so :'|

Here's my assignment,


I think only designers will notice what's wrong in this cover. I KNOOOOW, I didn't add the word MALAYSIA inside the O, no "®" beside the VOGUE, no "3/2012" issued, no "East M'sia RM32 West M'sia RM36.50", the colour was a mistake, etc etc etc. Ugh, I wonder what's right in this cover.

Say something, please :'(

My class was assigned to create a magazine cover with only Adobe Illustrator. Any magazine - Fashion, Gameinformer, Times, anything. And on that day, we must decide on which magazine cover we're gonna do. So I decided to give it a go for fashion magazine. I love fashion, but that wasn't my major reason. It was because the industry of fashion magazine is incredibly wide thus I would have lotsa reference and easily get inspiration. Moreover, I read Women's Weekly and CLEO almot every month, so yeah.

Here's the pictures I used to create that creepy face, 
(that's what my sister said -___-")
Twiggy - the base layer.

Twiggy, again - The left eye.

Marilyn Monroe - The lips with mole.

Searched by "Woman With Diamond Earrings" - I love her hair with the earrings.

Audrey Hepburn - The right eye.

Concept: Retro
Font Type: Time News Romans & Myriad Pro
P.S. "VOGUE" was a traced effect, for the sake of the "U" and "E" are together.

I shouldn't have make any of those silly mistakes, not until my NEW laptop shut down itself (wow what a miracle) then I was like, WALAO YEH DAILOU I DIDN'T SAVE ANYTHING YET WEI, MY VOGUE MY HIGHLIGHTS!!! *Eyes look deep into my watch* Sheez, two and a half hours left, no time to think more, no time to trace more, phuat mam mai guanna dooooo?? D': D':


"Um, Mr. Lecturer, do I have a second chance to change something there?"

Songs that I'm listening now,
Katy Perry - Part Of Me
DJ Earworm - Blame It On The Pop (2009 Mashup)

Overall, everything was such a mess.

Last Touch, at Starbucks.

I woke up late today, it was 11:30AM sharp.
No alarms. No one calls.

I'm such a walking zombie nowadays, stayed up late and woke up early to work. This is what happened when you work in the dawn and have school in the dusk. When I'm lack of sleeping hours, I'll start talking craps, so you better get ready for what's coming NGEHEHEHE. No, wait, I always talk craps. Whatever.

I know you'll be thinking, "Yvonne said she's busy and she's no sleep and all that, then why she's still blogging here?" - Kids, I love blogging, it's just like cigarettes, you'll smoke at least one or two before you go to sleep. Passion y'know it's passion, simple as that :)

After the shower, I on my laptop to give a final touch-up for my assignment, today is the submission day already. See, I'm always that last minute one. Then, I started shuffling surfing. SERVER NOT FOUND. W-what the hell is going on here? I mean, hello I paid the bills liao and that's what you're giving me? D:< 

I'm getting crazy already, seriously :|

It must be the modem. So I technically turned on and off of the modem. Screwed it, it's not working at all with those little yellow lights blink-blink-blink there -____-"

Okay, I must come out with a solution now. Let's go to Starbucks, oh yes Starbucks! It's about a couple of miles away from my house so JOM! :D

I think it supposed to be a love shape, but somehow it looked more like an onion to me -_____-"

I noticed the barista there are always hot-looking and speak good English, I love it when they asked me what's your name (because they need to mark it down on the cups so the customers won't get confuse when redeeming their orders) then I answered "Yvonne". Then he said "Y-V-O-N-N-E right? Nice name. *chuckles*" WUUAAAHHHH! :D :D

Most of the barista spelled my name in E-V-O-N, pfft.

A Starbucker,

P.S. Oh no, oh my gosh, that barista is looking over here now. AHH! HE SMILED AT ME! Wait, is he really smiling at me? *looking back and no one's behind* Okay boy, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. >:)