Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter Sunday - Chromeheart Revelation

(Please highlight the line below.)

Alarm clock rang at seven, got up earlier than I used to. Just because, I know that I will flip through the clothes one by one in the closet, for at least half an hour. IT'S A BIG DAY TODAY. Okay, lovely morning, perfect day. There goes my Easter Celebration, by watching ▼ this ▼ ...

Another down-to-the-earth production from CHCKL - CHROMEHEART REVELATION!! SPARTA!! >:D

The cast, they are super quasome.
(I stole this from the official Facebook page, whoopy sorry ≥ ~ ≤)

What's "quasome"? According to the production, all darkness happened in the fantasy world called - The Quamoros. So, Quamoros + Awesome = Quasome. I can't tell thoroughly about what's in Chromeheart because it has two episodes, I missed the first one so, yeah. Paiseh. There's vampires, beasts, warriors and etc etc. Honestly, it's useless for me to story-tell here because it's a LOOOOONG and once-upon-a-time story, they're on Youtube now & also, Facebook! :)

The story has its values. We humans get confused very easily. The distance between Dark and Bright are just one feet away. We think good is bad, and bad is good. What we didn't know is that, every each one of us has an evil desire in our souls. We have yet to conquer 'em, cause we're not strong enough inside. Another cause is they offered us the best pleasure we thought that is what we want. AND IF, we surrendered to the Dark, and swallowed by 'em, it will never be too late if you figured out that it's time to go back to Him.

Photos within photos.

My dearest CG leader, Yuan ❤

And look what I got on my car later on? HEEHEEHEE AYE EASTER EEGGA! :D

The birdy says, "Your life is beautiful. Treasure it!"

And Frank, he got this one. Smile one, if you get the message :)

Unfortunately, the egg wasn't a surprise :|


I joined the egg paintings woohaa! :D *OMNOMNOMNOM*

 Amanda merajuk, because...yeah :|

 "Picasso" - the word of the day. It means if you screwed up the base layer, just do whatever you think is artistic to the egg, masih boleh tahan kan? :B

My artwork - CHCKL previous logo, Pikachu, and Mr. & Mrs. Easter Bunny :)

Elizabeth Chua - "Follow me on Twitter now!"

Happy Easter Day, everyboday ;)

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. - John 11:25-26



  1. There goes the mark of our Easter for 2012..Thank you Jesus! Super Bon-some! (or Von-some?!?) Lol..Whichever la... =)

    1. Amen! Yeah mann, it's the Bonsome-ness! XD
